Dear iPhone Users

#Rant #Tech

Dear iPhone users…

What if I told you there was a simple trick that would not just improve your life, but also improve the lives of everyone around you? Something you could do right away, with any mobile phone from the last 30 years.

Well this may be a surprise, but:


And while you’re at it, change your notification sound too.

I observe this daily: I’m sitting in the break room at work, then the familiar tones of the default iPhone ringtone blare out. Faces perks up, hands fumble in pockets, and then comes the obligatory utterance:

“Is that mine?”

Surely that says it all.

Cut the confusion and change your ringtone, it takes seconds in the Settings app. Maybe load up your favourite song and set that as a ringtone, just be prepared to discover that Vanilla Ice hasn’t been the thing for 3 decades now1

Or alternatively, keep your phone on vibrate instead.

… One of these days I’m going to hide a bluetooth speaker in the break room and play the default iPhone ringtone at random intervals until everyone sees the light.


This post is dedicated to my old man, who despite constantly having no clue if his phone is ringing or not, stands resolute and unwavering in the face of a solution that’ll clear all the confusion in his day-to-day life.


  1. Apparently this is relies on buying song via iTunes or faffing about in Garageband?? On Android all you need to is an .mp3 file on your device. Mental. ↩︎