The Best Purchase of 2024
I made some solid boring purchases this year. Fingerless gloves, a DualSense controller, and a proper toasty commando sweater. But this year, the best purchase went to a weighted blanket.
Yeah, a blanket. It’s got pouches full of glass beads in it. Simple.

I’ve heard a lot about weighted blankets over the last few years, and testimonies from a few friends lead me to keep an eye out for one. When I saw one on sale in Lidl for half the usual price I thought why not?
The first few days were weird to adjust to, being held down, waking up covered in sweat, flip-flopping between having it on and off, etc. But I stuck to it, and within a week I found myself hooked.
It’s comfortable. Comforting. The second I pull the blanket back over me I can relax, I can feel the pressure of the day seep away as I’m lightly compressed into place. I’ve found myself sleeping much deeper, and even when I’m not, I don’t think I could go without this now I’m used to it.
If you’re looking for one, a good rule of thumb is to find one that’s a tenth of your weight.
The good stuff:
- It’s exceedingly toasty. I haven’t felt the need to use a duvet all winter.
- It’s snug. The extra weight just feels lovely without outright pinning you down.
The bad stuff:
- It’s cumbersome. Not so much a problem when you’re lying down, but picking it up and moving it can be a hassle
- You’ll feel naked sleeping without it
- You really, really won’t want to get out of bed in the morning 😭
And with that being said… God help me when summer comes around and it’s too hot to use it!